

Love English 2 2022-12-23

《你好,中国》— (Hello, China)全100集
《伊索寓言》—(Aesop's Fables)全30集


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One-Horned Buffalo went back into his cave and slammed the door shut.

“He stole my iron bar!” cried Wukong.

“What am I going to do?”He thought for a moment. “That demon said he remembered me. He also mentioned the Jade Emperor. Maybe that demon escaped from Heaven.”

The monkey shot into the sky and soon arrived at the southern gate of Heaven. He told the guard everything that had happened.

The guard sent a messenger to see if any spirits were missing from Heaven.

The messenger returned quickly with a warrior. The warrior held a large sword.

“The emperor sent me,” said the warrior.

“Nobody is missing from Heaven. But I will arrest One-Horned Buffalo for you.”

Wukong returned to Earth with the warrior.

The warrior banged on the cave door.

“Open up, One-Horned Buffalo!”

The demon came outside and eyed the warrior. “What do you want?”

The warrior puffed out his chest. “I’m here to arrest you.”

One-Horned Buffalo snorted. “Go away.”

“How dare you tell me to go away!” said the warrior. “The Jade Emperor sent me.” He pointed his sword at the demon. “If you dont come with me, Ill have to—”

One-Horned Buffalo held up the metal ring, and . . . whoosh! The warrior’s sword flew into it.

The warrior’s face fell as he looked at his empty hand. The demon laughed and went back into his cave.

“That metal ring is powerful,” said the warrior to Wukong. “We need more help.”

They returned to Heaven and bowed before the Jade Emperor.

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” said the warrior. “But the demon stole my sword. I need more help.”

The Jade Emperor turned to his general. “Send a fire god to Earth with these two.”

A fire god joined Wukong and the warrior. The god held a large, flaming spear.

“I’ll arrest the demon for you,” said the god.

The three of them went down to Earth and landed on the mountain.

The fire god stood in front of the cave door. He held up his fire spear and shouted, “Come out, One-Horned Buffalo! You are under arrest!”

The cave door opened, and the demon stepped outside. “Who are you?”

“I’m a fire god, sent by the Jade Emperor,” said the god.

One-Horned Buffalo laughed. “I’m not afraid of you!”

The fire god threw the flaming spear at the demon. But once again the demon held up the metal ring. The spear was gone. The demon returned to his cave.

Wukong shook his head. “This is bad.” The three of them returned to Heaven and bowed before the Jade Emperor.

“Your Majesty,” said the fire god. “OneHorned Buffalo is very powerful. I wasn’t able to arrest him. We need more help.”

The Jade Emperor sighed and turned to his general. “Send a thunder god with them this time.”

Back down on Earth, Wukong watched as the thunder god approached the cave door.

“Be careful,” warned the warrior. “Yes,” said the fire god. “The demon’s metal ring is very dangerous.”

The thunder god laughed. “Don’t worry about me!”

He turned to the cave door and boomed, “One-Horned Buffalo! You are under arrest!”

The cave door opened, and One-Horned Buffalo stepped outside. The thunder god instantly hurled his thunderbolt at the demon.

One-Horned Buffalo held up the metal ring and—whoosh! The thunderbolt was gone.

The demon looked around at everyone and laughed. “Thank you for all the weapons!” He went back into his cave and slammed the door shut again.


1.puff [pʌf]  v.吸,抽(香烟、烟斗等);使喷出,冒出(烟或蒸汽);急促喘息;气喘吁吁 n.吸,抽(把气体经口或鼻引到体内的动作);(烟、气等的)一缕,少量;千层酥;奶油酥;泡芙
I was starting to puff a little from the climb.
2.under arrest [ˈʌndər əˈrest]  被捕;逮捕;被捕了;被逮捕
She was under arrest on suspicion of murder.
3.hurl [hɜːrl]  v.猛扔;猛投;猛摔;大声说出(辱骂或斥责等);呕吐
He hurled a brick through the window.
4.thunderbolt [ˈθʌndərboʊlt]  n.雷电;霹雳
合成词。thunder + bolt
bolt [boʊlt]  n.(门窗的)闩,插销;螺栓;闪电 v.用插销闩上;能被闩上;用螺栓把(甲和乙)固定在一起;(马等受惊)脱缰 adv.突然地;像箭似地;直立地
The news was like a thunderbolt out of a clear sky.



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